What is DIY Chart
DIY (Do it yourself) Chart is a Web-based,
simple and powerful online tool to create interactive charts and graphs from static
or dynamic data which may be generated using any scripting language.
How to Use

Support full updates and data streaming without reloading the web page. Support export chart in a variety of image formats
. Support embed chart in Blog or website by just copy & pasting HTML code.

Easy To Use
Offers variety chart templates. With just a click you can generate some professionally designed chart.
While you are adjusting the chart parameters, the resulting effect can be seen immediately
in the preview area.

Impressive Chart Types
Offers a plethora of chart types, such as Coulmn, Stacked Column, Bar, Stacked Bar,
Area, Stacked Area, Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid, Funnel, Point, Bubble, Line, Range,
Combination, CandleStick, Stock, Radar and Polar.

Support Multiple Source Data
Different sources data are supported: static data, dynamic data from TXT, CSV and XML file.

Communicate with the Whole World
Supports unicode text to display special characters and any language such as japanese,
chinese and other unicode languages.

Impressive Charts Anywhere And Anytime
Create stunning DIY Charts that present your data in an enjoyable and captivating
experience. No software to download, nothing to install, all you need is a web browser
to create impressive charts.